Monday, December 05, 2005

1st T's Correction of My Studies by J.Manojlovic

Jelena, here are my first clues for those part of your text which could be improved. Look for spelling, vocabulary or grammar mistakes. The last sentence needs some paraphrasing if you want to get your message across.

I was a student at the Collage of Economics “Prota Mateja Nenadovic” in Valjevo. Education lasted three years and I learned about Management of Organizations.

I had many subjects and activities. I had to attend on almost all classes because that was condition if I wanted to pass my exams and I had practices which helped me to pass them. I made many seminars works and presentations from different subjects. I was member of many works teams and member of woman volleyball team which presented our school on sports competition. I had opportunity to participate in Student’s Festival and presented my hobby.

The good side of my studies was that classes was organized very well and I had opportunity to chosed some subjects; we had Student’s Festival in which we could present our hobbies, sports competition between collages and students partys. Sometimes professors organized seminars and visities of companies, banks and exhibitions for students.

On the other hand, bad aspects of my studies was that I didn’t have enough practices in companys which can help me when I would like to find job.